Precision for Medicine Biospecimens: Remarkable Selection and Quality
Precision for Medicine has built one of the world’s most extensive biobanks and sample collection networks, capable of meeting the stringent needs of any disease research program.
In addition to biorepositories containing over 10 million specimens, Precision has an in-house donor center and processing lab to generate and ship custom samples rapidly, and a full suite of specialty labs capabilities to deeply characterize any specimen type
Supporting research with a robust biospecimens inventory along with custom collections
Precision for Medicine has built both a world-class biorepository containing millions of specimens, and a global infrastructure to collect biospecimens we may not have readily available.
Precision's Biorepositories
Precise cohorts of data-rich, research-ready specimens to fuel your studies.
Precision's biorepositories contain millions of readily available tissue and liquid biospecimens.
- Most specimen types and volumes
- Matched specimens available
- Associated data may include:
- Medical history & comorbidities
- Demographics & lifestyle
- Longitudinal data
- Serological and molecular profiling

Custom Collections
In addition to our in-house collection center, we have developed an international network of hospitals, clinical care centers & specialty laboratories to perform custom collections from both healthy and disease-state donors.
- Custom collection plan development and full service execution: recruitment, kitting, sample collection, and logistics
- Extensive capabilities for storage, testing, analysis and more
- Rapid collection and custom processing utilizing our in-house donor center
Capabilities designed to deliver the highest quality biospecimens
- In-House Donor Center
- Integrated Processing Lab
- Pathology Services
- Advanced Characterized Specimens
In-House Donor Center and Apheresis Center
Utilizing our own donor center and apheresis center, we maintain a curated pool of both healthy and disease-state available donors, utilizing one IRB-approved protocol. This ensures:
- Reduced time to collection through the use of our donor database and onsite kit production
- Routine viral screening of donors to ensure a “clean” donor pool and more top tier donors
- High donor recallability - we can often obtain more donations from the same set of donors
- High quality leukopak collection - our tight standards for qualification leads to leukopaks that consistently exceed our high cell count threshold
Integrated processing lab for real-time specimen processing and customization
Sample collections frequently require specialized processing. Our labs co-located to our donor center can rapidly perform processing ranging from the routine such as PBMC creation, to flow cytometry profiling of leukopaks -
Extensive tissue analysis capabilities and staff pathologists
Precision has dedicated capabilities for tissue analysis both in the US and in Europe, including IHC with all major staining platforms, multiplex immunofluorescence, and digital pathology. Our in-house pathologists can perform annotation, scoring, and support IVD assay development. -
Advanced characterized specimens and digital pathology
Precision’s ongoing program to characterize oncology biospecimens via NGS has created a library of over 13,000 biospecimens in over 20 oncology indications. All specimens are available with characterization and variant data, a surgical pathology report, and H&E images.
These specimens and images can support precision therapeutic development, and the H&E images and data have proven to be highly useful in digital pathology including use as AI training sets.

Contact us for current inventory or to discuss a custom biospecimen project

A Window into Precision Biospecimens
Our biospecimens are collected under IRB-approved protocols from consented, healthy or disease-state donors. From donor selection, specimen collection, kitting & logistics, to delivery – our specimens remain under a single-chain of custody, allowing us to guarantee the quality of your samples at every step.
Key types of disease-state biospecimens
Precision offers biospecimens in many therapeutic areas and indications, with a strong focus in oncology, autoimmune, and infectious disease biospecimens.