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Digital PCR (ddPCR) Services

Droplet Digital™ PCR is ideal for applications where high sensitivity and absolute quantification are desired.
Digital PCR can also detect minute gene expression fold changes, and find rare genetic events in mixed cell populations.Other benefits of Droplet Digital™ PCR include the ability to perform single-cell analysis, and the flexibility to analyze low abundance or challenging samples, such as cell-free DNA or environmental DNA.

Precision’s ddPCR capabilities and applications

Precision uses the Bio-Rad QX200™ ddPCR™ System for digital PCR assays – which in addition to high precision and sensitivity, has scalability to accommodate high throughput analyses. In addition, ddPCR can accept a range of sample types.

Precision has special expertise in utilizing ddPCR for gene therapy and cell therapy applications, both at the preclinical stage and for clinical sample analysis.


General Applications

  • Rare sequence and mutation detection
  • NGS pre- and post-run validation
  • Sensitive copy number variation (CNV) detection
  • Single cell analysis
  • Gene expression and miRNA analysis
  • Liquid biopsy: cfDNA

Cell Therapy Applications

  • CAR-T biodistribution
  • Cell therapy persistence / pharmacokinetics
  • Vector copy number measurement (as an estimate of CAR vector delivery efficiency)
  • Replication-competent lentivirus (RCL) assay



Gene Therapy Applications

  • Viral vector biodistribution
  • Viral shedding
  • Oncolytic virus shedding
  • Transgene expression
  • Vector copy number estimation
  • Gene editing event detection
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Compatible sample types for ddPCR include low-abundance and challenging samples

  • Tissue: Fresh, Frozen, FFPE
  • Cells, exosomes
  • Liquid biopsies: Blood, BM, CSF, Saliva, Tears, Urine, cfDNA, cfRNA

Example uses of ddPCR in clinical development

  • solid tumors

    Oncology: Phase 1/2 dose escalation study in solid tumors

    Study to determine expression level of 2 targeted genes – qPCR was requested. ddPCR recommended by Precision to deliver more sensitive and quantified data with less sample required.
  • hpv-cells

    Infectious disease: Cell-free HPV DNA detection

    Liquid biopsy: detection of HPV infection by cell-free HPV DNA. ddPCR is ideal here for detection of low abundance cell-free DNA.
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    Gene therapy: Assess copy number in gene of interest in several tissue types

    GLP study to determine vector copy number in 16 tissue types in NHP. Flexibility in sample requirements and high sensitivity in ddPCR are ideal for generating gene therapy biodistribution data.

Learn more about our genomics solutions:


Brochure: Genomics Platforms and Solutions

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Brochure: Genomics Platforms and Solutions

The Precision advantage: integrating biomarker and clinical trial data

To help researchers understand and interpret biomarker assay data in the context of other assays as well as the clinical trial data, Precision provides the option of managing and analyzing data using our proprietary QuartzBio® Translational Informatics platform.

Learn more about the computational biology, informatics, and sample inventory management capabilities of QuartzBio®.

Global reach, multi-site support

Our ddPCR services support preclinical and clinical research, including multi-site studies, conducted anywhere in the world.

Working with Precision

Precision’s specialty lab scientists take a collaborative and consultative approach to projects and can provide recommendations on biomarker assay strategies and implementation. Services can be provided individually or as part of a comprehensive therapeutic development package including biomarker assays and clinical trials.

Additional genomics services

  • Explore


    Multiple platforms including the QuantStudio™ 12k Flex with OpenArray™ plates for rapid, multiplexed screening of dozens of genes and samples in a single run
  • Explore


    Services including RNA-seq, whole exome sequencing, and targeted DNA/RNA sequencing utilizing both Illumina and Thermo-Fisher NGS platforms
  • Explore


    Panels that enable the simultaneous analysis of up to 800 genes; ideal for projects where highly multiplexed analysis is needed, such as oncology and autoimmune therapeutic development